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Henna Designs

Beautiful Henna Tattoo Designs
Henna, a shrub like plant, the leaves of which are grounded into powder form and made into paste. It leaves an orange stain when applied to the skin. The orange dye darken to a reddish brown tint after 24 hours. The henna art is temporary and painless. We have the options of changing the design if we don’t like it. With little paste and simple creativity it is possible to make your skin a canvas. It is believed that henna was introduced by Muslim rulers. In 16th century its popularity increased. Henna tattoo falls into four distinctive styles. Middle eastern style, North Amerian style, Indian – pakistani designs and Indonesian style. These styles are evolved under the influence of different cultures. Henna tattooing recently become popular around the world. Henna fades away gradually in up to six weeks. After applying henna the skin should not be scrubbed or rubbed unless you need to hurry the fading process. It is better to avoid harsh soaps and saunas.


tutti shakal. said…
lose some weight or don't wear a tank top.
Leather pants said…
I like this designs.Nice post.
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